MEAC 的意见s - Procedures

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2017-020PDF Download

调解员有权因所提供的服务而获得报酬.  If the mediator is not compensated, the mediator has the same right as any other creditor to seek payment in any lawful manner.


2017-014PDF Download

A mediator is accountable to the referring court with the ultimate authority over the case.  A mediator is responsible for forthright business practices and fostering good relationships.

Rules 10.500 and 10.600,佛罗里达州认证调解员和法院指定调解员规则

2017-010PDF Download

老年人调解为老年父母及其子女提供了机会,使他们能够就老年父母的健康和福祉找到共同点和解决办法.  佛罗里达州认证调解员和法院指定调解员规则可以适用,如果年迈父母要签署任何协议,他们的能力是至关重要的.  如果父母一方被司法裁定为无行为能力, 然后,由法院指定的监护人将在争议事项中代表父母的利益. 

Rules 10.310 and 10.佛罗里达州注册调解员和法院指定调解员规则420(b)(3) 

2017-006PDF Download

A mediator may report “agreement,” “no agreement,或“部分同意”,不作评论或建议.  除非双方当事人书面同意,否则不得在调解员报告中使用其他描述词或修饰语.

规则1.第730(a)和(b)条,《拉菲2客户端》第12条.740(f)(3), Florida Family Law Rules of  Procedure, MEAC 的意见s 2014-002, 2013-006, 2012-009, 2010-012, and 2010-007

2017-003PDF Download

A mediator shall not schedule a mediation in a manner that does not provide adequate time for the parties to fully exercise their right of self-determination.  该程序必须允许暂停调解,并在各方选择的情况下重新召集以完成调解.  A mediator must respond in a manner consistent with the Rules for Certified and Court-Appointed Mediators when asked by pro se parties to provide information.  A mediator may assist the party in filling out Florida Supreme Court approved forms, 但必须确保为表格提供的信息来自他们正在协助的一方.

Rules 10.430, 10.310(d), 10.370(a), 10.400, and 10.620, 佛罗里达州认证调解员和法院指定调解员规则MEAC 的意见s 2000-009, 2001-003, and 2009-007

2016-006PDF Download

调解员必须满足规则10的要求.第420(a)条,《拉菲2客户端》,在每次调解会议之前.  调解当事人或参与人不能放弃本规则对调解员的道德要求.  看到 MEAC 2014-008.

规则10.(a)《拉菲2平台用户登录》第44条.401-406, Florida 统计utes MEAC 的意见 2014-008

2016-005PDF Download

《拉菲2平台用户登录》并未禁止调解员的支持人员对和解协议的签名进行公证或见证.  The ethical standards contained in the rules do not extend to persons who are not Florida Supreme Court certified mediators or court-appointed mediators. 


2016-004PDF Download

The Committee maintains confidence in MEAC 2015-005. 

Rules 10.420 (c) and 10.520 and Committee Note to 10.420,规则1.730(b),佛罗里达州民事诉讼规则MEAC意见2015-005

2016-001PDF Download

调解员负责维护调解过程.  In the scenario described by the inquirer, if the mediator decides that the process is best served by using caucus as a procedural tool, 没有任何规则禁止调解员这样做.

Rules 10.310, 10.400, 10.410, 10.420(a)

2015-005PDF Download

The verbal discussion in the scenario presented satisfies the requirements of rule 10.佛罗里达州注册调解员和法院指定调解员规则第420(c)条.  如果双方当事人已经同意由谁来记录协议及其正式形成的过程,该规则并不要求调解员在调解结束前就协议条款写一些东西.  The Committee Note to rule 10.420

规则10.420(c) and the Committee Note, 规则1.730(b), Rule 8.290(o), 规则12.740(f), 规则9.740(b), MEAC 的意见 2004-004

2015-002PDF Download

Unless there is a local court rule, 要求调解员确定出席调解的当事人或参与人的法院命令或行政命令, the mediator may, but is not required to do so.

Rules 10.500 and 10.520,Rules 1.720(b)(1)-(3) and 1.730(a)-(b), MEAC意见2007-001,2006-008和2005-007

2015-001PDF Download

持证调解员无权禁止在调解期间使用笔记本电脑或平板电脑.  Decisions regarding the reason for and the use of these devices are decisions for the parties to make unless there is a court order to the contrary.  

Rules 10.220, 10.230, 10.310, 10.360(a), 10.400, 10.410, 10.420 MEAC 的意见 2011-012 

2014-011PDF Download

MEAC注意到调解通知的提交之间的区别 with the court and notifying the parties 以书面形式记录调解的日期、时间和细节.  《拉菲2平台用户登录》和《拉菲2客户端》都提到了调解员通知当事人的规定,但对于调解员是否可以或不可以向法院提交调解通知却只字未提.  The Committee is of the opinion that a mediator may not file a notice of mediation with the court unless the parties have agreed to use the mediator; the court has designated a mediation program which selects that mediator; or the court selects that mediator directly. 

佛罗里达州认证调解员和法院指定调解员规则.720, Florida Rules of Civil Procedure 1.700, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure 12.010 and 12.740 – 12.742, and Florida Rule of Juvenile Procedure 8.290 

2014-008PDF Download

规则10.420(a), 佛罗里达州认证调解员和法院指定调解员规则, by use of the term “shall,致开幕词(迎新会), by a mediator, mandatory.  

Rules 10.200, 10.420(a) and (c), MQAP 的意见 1995-009 

2014-006PDF Download



2014-004PDF Download

In the scenario presented, if conducting a mediation in a language common to all parties and the mediator, it is inappropriate for a mediator to then memorialize any agreement reached in a language other than the one in which the mediation was conducted. 

Rules 10.340(d) and 10.410, MEAC 的意见 2011-017  

2014-002PDF Download

As is clearly stated in the civil, 家庭, juvenile and appellate rules, 调解员只能向法院报告“同意”或“不同意”,不作评论或建议.  中介报告中不能使用任何描述符或修饰符.

Note: This opinion is rescinded by MEAC 2017-006 and any other opinion inconsistent with it. 

Rules of Civil Procedure 1.730(a) – (b);  Rules of Juvenile Procedure 8.290(o)(2);Rules of Procedure 9.740(a); Rules of Procedure 12.740(f)(3)Sections 44.401-405, Florida 统计utes; MEAC 的意见s 2013-006, 2012-009, 2010-012 and 2010-007

2013-012PDF Download

A Florida Supreme Court certified mediator subject to local rule 9019-2(A)(5), United 状态s Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of Florida, 谁在减轻损失调解计划中担任调解人, may sign the referenced mediator’s oath currently required by the rule without violating 佛罗里达州认证调解员和法院指定调解员规则. 

规则10.520MEAC 的意见 2012-005S.D. 佛罗里达州. L.R. 9019-2 (A)(5) Mediation. 

2013-009PDF Download

Engaging in the dual role of mediator and notary is ethically inappropriate.  

规则10.340(d)规则10.340 Committee Note,§§ 44.404(1)(a), (2)(a), and § 117.107. (2013)Florida Jurisprudence 2d, Acknowledgments, etc. §40 MEAC意见2011-004、2010-004、2007-005和2004-004

2013-006PDF Download

本意见侧重于与调解员在调解期间提出问题是否适当有关的几个问题.  In this case the questions pertain to a 家庭 mediation setting but the MEAC responses are not limited to 家庭 mediation unless so stated. 

Sections 44.1011(2) and 44.403(4), Florida 统计utes Rules 10.220, 10.320, 10.370(c), 10.620 规则12.740(f)(1) and (3), MEAC 的意见s 2012-009 and 2010-004

2013-005PDF Download

问题一:根据规则2,调解员的角色和职责不包括填写和存档“法院存档内保密信息通知”.420(d)(2), Florida Rules of Judicial Administration. Questions Two & 第三,法院是决定谁是第2条规定的“提交人”和“法官指定人”的适当机构.420(d)(2), Florida Rules of Judicial Administration; therefore, the MEAC declines to answer these questions.

Rules 10.220, 10.300, 10.340 (d), 10.330(a), and 10.420(c), Committee Note to 规则10.340 (d)Rule 2.420(d)(2), Florida Rules of Judicial Administration MEAC 的意见s 2011-017 and 2011-004 

2012-009PDF Download

Question one:  Your circuit’s mediation report form which has the outcomes: “agreement,” “partial agreement,” “no agreement,” or “continuance” (adjournment), 符合《拉菲2客户端》和《拉菲2平台用户登录》的要求. 问题二:这明显违反了《拉菲2客户端》.730(a) to add the term “signed” to a description of an agreement in a mediation report. Question three:  The interpretation of Florida Family Law Rule of Procedure 12.740(f)(1) on which this question is based is erroneous.  Although rule 12.740(f)(1)允许当事人同意以电子方式或速记方式记录协议, that  agreement must be “made under oath or affirmed” and the transcript of such agreement must then be signed by all parties before being filed with the court.   

规则10.420(c)规则1.730 (a) & (b)规则12.740 (f)(1)-(3) MEAC 的意见 2010-007 §44.404, 佛罗里达州. 统计. (2012) 

2011-018PDF Download


Rules 10.360 (a) and 10.650,Florida 统计utes 39.201, 44.405 (4)(a)(3) and 415.1034 

2011-013PDF Download

A certified mediator does not have the authority to direct or suggest to an attorney, acting as a party representative in a small claims case, to make a phone call over the objection of the physically present named party.         

Rules, 10.310(a), 10.330(a), 10.360(a), 10.520, 10.620,规则7.090(f) MEAC意见2000-005、2006-007、2007-002、2008-006、2010-014

2011-012PDF Download

Certified mediators do not have the authority to unilaterally ban the use of cellular communication during the mediation process.  有关使用通讯设备及参与人以电子方式参与调解的决定,应由当事人自行决定. 

Rules 10.220, 10.300, 10.310(a) and 10.360(a) Sections 401-405, Florida 统计utes Chapter 44

2011-006PDF Download

Although the inquirer is a certified mediator, the question of who determines who is a company representative for the purposes of mediation participation is not a question of mediator ethics.  提供法律指导不在MEAC的管辖范围内.

Rules 10.310 and 10.340,

规则1.720 2010年《拉菲2客户端》第44章第401-406条 

2011-005PDF Download

The MEAC remains confident in its previous decisions, most recently 2010-014.  Upon the request or demand of a party at the mediation, the mediator must declare an impasse.  调解员必须按照《拉菲2客户端》行事,并且必须进行调解,以保护自决原则.  However, 在这种情况下,调解员不应在按照规则10发表开幕词之前宣布陷入僵局.第420(a)条,并应尝试探讨与提出同样要求的一方陷入僵局的各种选择或替代办法. 

规则1.720 (c)Rules 10.310(a)-(d) and 10.420 (a)和(b)(1)-(3) MEAC意见1995-009、2001-004和2010-014 

2011-001PDF Download


Rules 1.730(b) and 1.750,

规则7.090, Rule 8.290,

规则9.740, 规则12.740, 规则10.520

2010-014PDF Download

A mediator does not have the authority to compel attendance at subsequent mediation conferences against the wishes of the parties and/or their counsel.  

Rules 10.310 (a) and (b) and 10.520 规则1.720(c) MEAC 的意见 2004-006

2010-012PDF Download

A mediator is accountable to the referring court with ultimate authority over the case.  Any interaction discharging this responsibility, however, 应以符合这些道德标准的方式进行.  如果调解员认为法院程序要求调解员违反调解员的道德标准, the mediator shall decline to do so. 

规则10.500 MEAC opinions 2000-003, 2004-006, 2005-007, 2010-007, 2010-010 and 2010-011 AOSC09-54 and AOSC10-57

Rules 1.720(b) and 1.730(a) & (b) 

2010-011PDF Download

Questions regarding mediator fees, reports to the court, 对一般情况下没有完全权力进行和解的各方以及与住宅抵押贷款止赎调解(RMFM)计划有关的各方的参与进行审查, 对本意见提出的六个问题作出解释和答复.  

Rules 10.310(a), 10.380(c), 10.500, 10.510, 10.520 MEAC意见2007-002和2010-007 AOSC09-54和AOSC10-57.720(b) & (g) and 1.730(b)

2010-010PDF Download

是的, it is ethical for a mediator to participate in the Florida Supreme Court’s Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Program (RMFP).

AOSC10-57 In Re:住宅抵押贷款丧失抵押品赎回权案件管理调解程序指南规则10.520 MEAC意见2009-0011、2010-007、2010-008、2010-011和2010-012

2010-007PDF Download

At the completion of mediation, 调解员应按照规则1的规定报告“同意”或“不同意”,不作评论或建议.730(a)-(b), Florida Rules of Civil Procedure.  但是,调解员可以报告调解被中止.

AOSC09-54 In Re: Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Cases, aaosc10 -57《关于住宅抵押贷款止赎案件管理调解程序的指导.420 (b)(1-5)规则1.730 (a)-(b), Florida Rules of Civil Procedure Sections 401-405, Mediation Confidentiality and Privilege Act

2010-005PDF Download

     问题一和问题二的回答:如何解释当事人的犹豫是由调解员决定的. If, after further inquiry, the mediator believes a party does not understand or appreciate how an agreement may adversely affect legal rights or obligations, the mediator shall advise the party of the right to seek independent counsel, therefore making this a requirement.     Answer to Question Three:  调解员应在评估当事人有意义地参与和理解协议条款的能力后,尊重当事人的自决权.  If however, the mediator believes the party is unable to rationally and intelligently assess the terms of the agreement or the mediator is no longer impartial, then the mediator must adjourn, terminate or withdraw from the mediation. 

Rules 10.310(a), 10.330(b), 10.370(b), 10.420(b)(2-4)Committee Note to 规则10.370 



2010-004PDF Download

     问题1A的答案:即使当事人没有提出问题, 调解员可能会提出父母地址的问题,这将包括在学校入学的父母计划中.     对问题1B的回答:调解员对案件的最终决定权在转介法院.  Any interaction discharging this responsibility, however, 应以符合这些道德规则的方式进行.      问题1C的回答:司法官员的行为受《司法行政规则》管辖,因此不属于MEAC的管辖范围.     问题2A的回答:调解员不得兼任调解员和公证人的双重角色.     问题2B的回答:关于调解和解协议的可执行性的问题属于法律问题,因此不属于MEAC的管辖范围.

Rules 10.310, 10.320, 10.340(d), 10.500, 10.520 and 10.900 Committee Notes to Rules 10.320, 10.340 and 10.370 规则12.740(f)(2), 佛罗里达州家庭法程序规则MEAC意见2004-004, 2004-006, 2006-002, 2007-005  

2009-010PDF Download

It is not appropriate for a mediator to insert the original claim amount (from the complaint) in a paragraph of a settlement form, 在被告违约的情况下,判给原告该金额作为判决, if that has not been agreed to by the parties. Consistent with applicable law, rules of procedure and local administrative rules, it is appropriate for a mediator, upon agreement of the parties, 删除预先印在小额索偿规定表格上的默认文字.

Rules 10.230(a), 10.300, 10.310(a), 10.420(c), 10.500 and 10.520

2008-006PDF Download

A.  It is not permissible for a mediator to dictate, over the parties’ objections, who participates in a mediation caucus.  B.  If someone participates in a mediation, either a full session or just a caucus, that person is a mediation participant subject to the confidentiality requirements under Florida’s Mediation Confidentiality and Privilege Act.  Under the statute, 向另一调解参与者披露调解通信并不违反保密规定.

Rules 10.310(a) and 10.420, Sections 44.403(2) and 44.405(1), Florida 统计utes MEAC 的意见 2006-007 

2008-001PDF Download

A.   It is ethically inappropriate for a mediator to make the determination as to whether a party has complied with a judge’s discovery order.B.  It would be inappropriate for a mediator to cancel mediation merely because of the assertion that one party has not complied with a discovery order.C.  Since it is not appropriate for the mediator to make the determination to cancel the mediation, 调解员不能向法官提交一份报告,说明调解员这样做了. D.  This question is beyond the jurisdiction of the MEAC; however, care should be taken to ensure that the unit does not provide any service that would cause mediators to compromise their integrity or impartiality.

Rules 10.230, 10.310, 10.330(a), 10.360, 10.370(c), 10.420(b), 10.500, 10.620, and 10.900, Committee Note to rule 10.310, 规则1.730(a), Rule 8.290(o)(2), 规则12.740(f)(3), Section 44.401- Section 44.406,佛罗里达州法规MEAC意见2000-003和2006-003


2007-004PDF Download

遵循限制调解参与者的司法要求并不会要求调解员违反道德规范,因此可以在不与MEAC 2006-007提出的意见相冲突的情况下予以遵守.  

Rules 10.310(a), 10.500 and 10.520 MEAC 的意见s 2001-007, 2003-007, 2003-008, 2004-006, 2006-002 and 2006-007

2007-003PDF Download

仅与先前调解协议的原四方当事人中的三位进行第二次调解(第四方当事人不知道第二次调解), which was based on the occurrence of a contingent event, 在意外事件发生的最后期限之前, would be inconsistent with your ethical obligations.

Rules 10.310, 10.330(a), and 10.620, 佛罗里达州认证调解员和法院指定调解员规则 Committee Note to 规则10.330 

2007-002PDF Download

A.  It would not be appropriate to routinely attach the mediated settlement agreement to a circuit civil case in light of the requirements of rule 1.730(b), Florida Rules of Civil Procedure.B.  If one party objects, the agreement cannot be attached.C.  The Committee declines to answer this question since it asks for an opinion on the behavior of someone other than a certified or court-appointed mediator.

Rules 1.730(b) and 10.520, Section 44.405(4)(a), Florida 统计utes 

2006-007PDF Download

A.  While a mediator may facilitate discussion on the subject between the parties, 调解员不得对参加调解的当事人“发号施令”. B.  The appropriate procedure would be for the nonparty participants to be told that they are also bound by the confidentiality requirements in statute and rule. C.  尽管调解员不会直接违反保密性建议一方当事人, without the consent of all parties, discuss mediation communications with someone who does not attend the mediation, 然而,这样做是不道德的,因为它可能导致另一个人违反保密规定.

Rules 10.230, 10.310(a), 10.360(a), and 10.520, Sections 44.403(1) and (2), 44.405(1) and 44.405(4)(a), Florida 统计utes

2006-002PDF Download

Given the judge’s intervention, 调解员必须仔细监督当事人参与调解的情况,以确定当事人行使自决的能力,如果任何一方不能或不愿有意义地参与调解过程,调解员必须准备好终止调解.  调解员作为“调解人”将“协议”写下来并不能免除其道德责任.”

Rules 10.220, 10.230, 10.300, 10.310(d), 10.420 (a) & (b), 10.900 Section 44.404(1)(b), Florida 统计utes Chabotte v. Chabotte, 707 So.2d 923 (佛罗里达州. 4th DCA 1998) 注:2006年规则的变化可能会影响这一意见.

2005-007PDF Download

A and C: If a party is requesting that the mediation be rescheduled for “good cause,” the mediation should be rescheduled to a mutually convenient time consistent with rule 10.330(a).  If the party is objecting to attending mediation, the mediator cannot compel attendance, however, the party should be advised that pursuant to rule 12.741(b)(2), the party may be subject to sanctions by the court for “nonappearance.B:提交给法院的关于缺席的报告不应该包括缺席的任何原因.D: A date for mediation may be set without the advance agreement of all parties, 但是任何一方都可以要求重新安排.E:如果调解员向未出庭的一方通知了调解会议的日期和时间,并且没有提出重新安排的充分理由,调解员可以报告调解未出庭.

Rules 10.310, 10.330(a) and 10.520; 1.720(f), 12.740(f) and 12.741(b)(6), 8.290(e) MEAC 2000-003 

2004-009PDF Download

While the Committee does not have jurisdiction to apply the Workers’ Compensation statute to the specific facts in your question, 佛罗里达州认证调解员和法院指定调解员规则, to which all certified mediators must adhere, 明确如果调解员认为调解涉及欺诈, 胁迫, the absence of bargaining ability or unconscionability, the mediator is required to terminate the mediation. 

Rules 10.200, 10.410, and 10.420(b)(4), In Re: Florida Rules of Workers’ Compensation Procedure, 891 So2d 474 (佛罗里达州. 2004)Rule 4.361(d), Florida Rules of Workers’ Compensation Procedure (repealed December 2, 2004)

2004-006PDF Download

调解员在调解前收到法院命令, 其中包含与调解员角色相反的条款,并要求调解员以与调解员道德规则不一致的方式行事, 调解员应当拒绝参与调解.

Rules 10.200, 10.220, 10.310, 10.360(a), 10.500, 10.510, and 10.520; 1.730(a), 8.290(o)(2), 12.740(f)(3);Sections 44.401 – 44.406,佛罗里达州法规MEAC 95- 009,96 - 005,99 - 012,2001 -004 Avril v. Civilmar, 605 So 2d 988 (佛罗里达州. 4th DCA 1992)Evans v. 状态, 603 So 2d 15 (佛罗里达州. 5th DCA 1992) Chabotte v. Chabotte, 707 So 2d 923 (佛罗里达州. 4th DCA 1998) 注:2006年规则的变化可能会影响这一意见.

2003-010PDF Download

A. Pursuant to 家庭 court rules, a mediator is obligated to see that a mediated agreement is reduced to writing, but is not obligated to write the agreement.  这一规则与要求调解员准备同意令的法律规定并不冲突, 因为这条规定仅仅要求将这种协议纳入调解员准备的同意令.B.  而调解员不能强迫已经达成协议的当事人将协议以书面形式写下来并立即签字, the mediator does have the obligation to “discuss with the parties and counsel the process for formalization and implementation of the agreement,并确保协议“得到适当的纪念”.”

Rules 10.420, 10.520; 12.740 Section 61.183, Florida 统计utes MEAC 95-009

2003-009PDF Download


规则10.420(a) MEAC 99-002 注:2006年规则的变化可能会影响这一意见.

2003-004PDF Download

A. By contracting with only one party in a dispute, the mediator may have violated the general impartiality requirement contained in rule 10.330(a).B. 在没有必要的司法介入的情况下启动调解程序是违反道德规则的.C. 在法院尚未下令调解的案件中,参照不参与调解的制裁措施, is a violation of the ethical rules.D. 调解员在收取调解费用方面必须遵守道德和程序规则. Failure to do so would be an ethical violation.     

Rules 10.310(b), 10.330(a), 10.380, 10.520, 10.610 and 10.620, 12.740 and 12.741 MEAC 96-001 and 98-006 

2003-001PDF Download

A mediator shall adjourn or terminate a workers’ compensation mediation where there is a complete absence of bargaining ability. This determination must be made on a case by case basis. Telephonic mediation  does not automatically render a mediation inappropriate. A mediator should be mindful of the extent of the relationship between the mediator and a particular carrier or adjuster which must, at a minimum, be disclosed and may become a clear conflict of interest which is not waivable.

Rules 10.200, 10.310, 10.410, 10.420(b)(3) - (b)(4), 10.330(b), 10.340(b) - (c), 10.520 and 10.650; 1.720,Sections 440.25(3)(a)2 and 44.106, Florida 统计utes Rules 4.300(b) and 4.《拉菲2客户端》第60Q-6条第361(d)款.110(3), Florida Administrative Code

2002-001PDF Download

The requirements of 1.720(b)(1), Florida Rules of Civil Procedure, regarding appearances cannot be satisfied by the physical presence of the party’s attorney or in-house counsel of an entity without the named party.

Rules 10.420(b)(3), 10.420(b)(4), 1.720(b) MEAC 99-002 (a) Carbino v. Ward, 801 So. 2d 1028 (佛罗里达州. 5th DCA 2001)

2001-007PDF Download

It is not appropriate for an arbitrary time limit to be imposed for mediation services.  法官可以中断调解并要求结束调解, 如果当事各方没有达到僵局,就不应宣布陷入僵局.

Rules 10.230, 10.310(a), 10.420(b), 10.430, 10.500

2001-004PDF Download

(a)和(b)调解员应一方当事人的请求宣布僵局, 但不必立即取消调解,因为一方要求律师或其他“调解外来源或顾问”.” (c) A mediator should not report to the court that a party was not mediating in good faith since there is no requirement that a party mediate in good faith. A mediator’s report should be limited to only those matters authorized by applicable court rule.(d) The actions of an attorney to a party to mediation are subject to the ethical jurisdiction of the Florida Bar not the MEAC. In addition, 调解员不应在没有弃权的情况下自愿作证或披露机密通信.

Rules 10.220, 10.310, 10.420(b)(3); 1.720(b) and 1.730(a), 8.290(l) and 8.290(o)(2),12.740(d) and (f), MEAC 95-003, 95-009, 96-005, 99-012 注:2004年法规、规则和MEAC 96-005的变更 & 99-01 in 2006 may impact this opinion.  

2000-007PDF Download


Rules 10.200, 10.330(a), 10.340(a) and (c), 10.620; 1.720(f)(1)(B); 8.290(e)(2)(B);12.741(b)(6)(A)(ii)

2000-005PDF Download

A mediator should not continue to mediate when a party objects to that mediator.  However, if all parties agree and it is feasible, such mediation may continue, under certain circumstances, as a co-mediation, a bifurcated proceeding, or in some other acceptable format.

Rules 10.300, 10.330(a), 10.340, 10.620; 1.720(b); MEAC 95-009, 99-008

2000-004PDF Download

The rules adopted in April 2000 do not impose any additional requirements upon the mediator with regard to self-determination, since the addition of the word “protect” to the rule 10.310(a) does not constitute a substantive change.

Rules 10.310, 10.060(a) - (b)

2000-003PDF Download

Pursuant to the rules, the reason for cancellation or postponement should not be explained in the mediator’s report.

Rules 10.310(d), 10.360(a); 1.730(a); 8.290(o)(2), 12.740(f)(3) 注:2006年规则的变化可能会影响这一意见.

2000-001PDF Download 

调解员有道德义务允许每年至少两次对其调解进行观察, even if certified in more than one area. With regards to the mentorship requirements, the term “observe” does not refer to co-mediation.

Rules 10.520, 10.690(b); AOSC06-9 (Administrative Order Governing Certification of Mediators) 注:2006年行政命令的变更可能会影响此意见.

99-004PDF Download

With agreement of the parties, a non-lawyer may assist at a court-ordered mediation and participate in the negotiations.

Rules - none cited 

99-003PDF Download

A mediator has discretion regarding providing his/her notes upon request of a party.


98-007PDF Download 

由执业调解员进行的律师申诉调解, 在进行调解之前,必须确定代理人的权限.  如果有有效的持久授权书,调解可以继续进行, 如果不是, the mediation should be canceled.

Rules 10.420(b); 1.720(b); MEAC 95-002; Rules Regulating the Florida Bar 3-8.1(i) 注:2000年规则的变化可能会影响这一观点.

98-005PDF Download

When a meeting take place without the presence of the mediator, it is not a mediation.

Rules 10.420(b); 1.720(c), 1.720(d)

97-004PDF Download 


Rules 10.360(a), 10.420(b);Section 44.405(2), Florida 统计utes Note: Changes to the statute in 2004 and rules in 2006 may impact this opinion.

97-001PDF Download 

The panel believes that the mediator is not prohibited from having contact with either party, either before or after the mediation. 

Rules 10.330(a), 1.720(e), 12.741(b)(5), 的意见 applicable for county, 家庭 and circuit. May not be applicable to dependency.

95-009PDF Download 

When mediation is court-ordered, the parties are required to appear at mediation. 如果他们在调解员完成开场陈述之前离开, the mediator may report non-appearance. After completion of the opening statement, if the parties choose not to stay at mediation, the mediator may only report impasse to the court. 没有任何规则要求双方本着“善意”进行谈判.”

Note: Read MEAC 的意见 2006-003 as it has rescinded portions of MEAC 1995-009

Rules 10.420(a) - (b);1.720(b) and (d), 1.730(a), 1.750(e); 8.290(l) and (o)(2); 12.740(d) and (f) 注:2006年规则的变化可能会影响这一意见.   

94-001PDF Download 

经律师和当事人同意并约定保密, contact with parties after mediation in an additional effort to resolve case permissible.

Rules 10.200, 10.220, 10.360(a); Sections 44.405(2) and 90.408, Florida 统计utes Note: Changes to the statute in 2004 and rules in 2006 may impact this opinion.


For additional information please contact The Dispute Resolution Center at 850-921-2910 or at

Last Modified: November 02, 2023